Neck Problems
Neck problems caused by poor posture, work habits, accidents, and even birth trauma can cause headaches, numbness, coldness or pins-and-needles in the face, chest, arms, wrists, or hands. They can also result in anxiety, insomnia, low back and neck pain, ear ringing, dizziness, hearing loss, eye pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light and other symptoms.
Chiropractic has been a blessing to millions of people suffering from neck and whiplash problems, saving many sufferers from unnecessary drugs and surgery. If you have neck problems, making the decision to choose chiropractic is one step towards wellness.
Lower Back
Your lower back is a vulnerable area, constantly under the strain of supporting your upper body. Poor posture, injuries, wear and tear, hereditary weakness, or excess weight can cause a variety of painful low back problems.
Physical Exams & X-rays
Physical, orthopedic, and neurological tests can reveal the condition of your lower back and the rest of your spine. As “blueprints” of your spine, x-rays can reveal misalignments, fractures, arthritis, hereditary malformation or other problems. Additional tests will be done, if necessary.
Based on the examination and findings, Dr. Max may recommend an individualized treatment program to realign your low back, relieve muscle spasms, restore motion, and reduce pain. A consultation with other medical specialists is done, as needed, on an individual basis.
Dr. Max is uniquely qualified to restore the health of your spine. He may recommend other types of treatment for strengthening your low back muscles and relieving tension and pain. Those treatments may include moist heat, ice packs, traction or stretching and strengthening exercises.
Sciatica is a severe pain in the leg(s) caused from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve.
The sciatic nerves are the largest (and longest) nerves of the body running down the back of each leg. When these nerves are irritated or affected by the inflammation of nearby soft tissues, doctors refer to this as sciatica.
One of the most common causes of sciatic leg pain is the bulging or herniation of the soft, pulpy discs which separate each spinal bone. This can irritate or put pressure on the sciatic nerve roots as they leave the spinal cord. The result can be an intense pain shooting down either or both legs.
In the past, treatment has involved pain medications, muscle relaxers, physical therapy, and even surgery. Our approach is to use carefully directed and controlled pressure to remove the interference from spinal structures. These chiropractic adjustments can be quite effective in reducing nerve irritation and its associated pain.
Sciatica, like other health problems that can be traced to the spine, often responds dramatically to the restoration of normal spinal function through chiropractic care.
According to the American Dental Association, nearly 30 percent of Americans have TMJ problems, called TMJ Dysfunction or TMJ Syndrome. Among the symptoms are severe headache; loss of hearing; tinnitus (ringing in the ears); shoulder, cheek, jaw, or tooth pain; and nausea and dizziness. TMJ affects more women than men.
The Chiropractic Approach to TMJ
Spinal problems and TMJ Syndrome are often related. In fact, chiropractic care may help you avoid TMJ surgery. Surgery should not be done until chiropractic and proper dental support is provided, with the exception of a tumor, fracture or serious joint pathology.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness and weakness of the fingers, hands, and wrist sometimes so intense that they awaken the sufferer at night. One out of 10 people suffers from CTS. It usually affects people who do repetitive tasks with their hands.
Traditional medical treatment for CTS includes application of splints, ice, drugs, cortisone injections and even surgery. Medicine’s poor success in treating this painful condition led Robert Mendelsohn, M.D. to conclude: “Since the medical treatment for this condition is so often unsatisfactory, I have for years been recommending that my patients consult muscle and joint therapy specialists.”
Your Spine and CTS
The relationship between spinal health and carpal tunnel has been documented by a number of individuals who found spinal nerve root irritation in patients with CTS. A chiropractic adjustment may make the difference between a pain-free wrist or surgery!
If you have been in an accident or suffered a trauma you need to have your spine checked. Any misalignments or nerve interference that were created in your spine during the accident often remain in your body and prevent you from healing properly. That may be the reason why over half of accident victims never completely recover from their injuries and may live on painkillers, physical therapy, or even repeated surgery for years. Sometimes they’re told that they’ll have to live in pain for the rest of their lives!
Anyone who has been in an accident, even if there are no obvious symptoms, should call us today. The damage from spinal trauma may take months or years to surface and a simple spinal checkup today could save an accident victim from much pain and illness later.
Because of the additional weight and stress on the framework of the body during pregnancy, chiropractic adjustments can help with lower back pain, leg pain, pain between the shoulder blades, headaches, and nausea.
Safe Treatment
Chiropractic’s gentle, drug-free approach is especially beneficial during pregnancy. Chiropractic helps the expecting mother by improving nerve system function. Chiropractic has been based for over 100 years on correcting interference to the nervous system. With a properly functioning nerve system free of interference, it is easy to see how many aspects of this important time for an expectant mother will be made easier. Many women rely on chiropractic care as a regular part of their pre-natal routine.
Post Partum
Spinal care can help the post-partum woman return to pre-pregnancy normalcy by balancing her spinal column, realigning her pelvic bones, and removing vertebral misalignments.
Chiropractic as an Adjunct Treatment
It must be emphasized that chiropractic never opposes necessary medical care. In emergencies the first order of business is always controlling life threatening situations such as hemorrhage, cessation of breath, broken bones, serious contusions or abrasions, shock, etc.